
Would you like to help us in our work by doing something that you are good at? Would you like to develop new skills and learn something new? There are many ways in which you can support WSCF-Europe through donating your time and skills!
You could become a speaker at one of our events, you could be part of an international event planning team, or you could support with our web-design and communications – all of these are options if you want to volunteer for WSCF-Europe. We are an organisation that heavily relies on volunteers to survive and make our exciting projects happen. We often look for passionate people of all ages, who are interested in ecumenical and human rights issues and who have expertise in legal and financial matters, event planning, translation and many other areas.
We deeply value the contribution of our volunteers and we always look forward to welcoming more members into our WSCF-Europe family. You can always find volunteering opportunities on Our Work page. If no opportunity is advertised at the moment or none of those advertised resonates with you, do not worry – you can still help us! You can register your interest to volunteer below and we will get in touch with you to figure how best you can contribute to our work.