Universal Day of Prayer for Students 2005


12. Universal Day of Prayer for Students 2005. The 2005 materials and liturgy were prepared by the Latin America and Caribbean region of WSCF, in particular, by Reverend Dan Gonzalez of the Student Christian Movement for Equality (MEC for la Equidad), in Mexico. The 2005 celebration was dedicated to memory of the victims of the tsunami

Call for solidarity – WSCF/SCM Cuba call of solidarity after the passing of the Irma Hurricane


Call for solidarity - WSCF/SCM Cuba call of solidarity after the passing of the Irma Hurricane. Responding to the Irma Hurricane, which caused widespread and catastrophic damage across the Caribbean in 2017, WSCF and SCM Cuba released an appeal for support, including a call for donations, volunteers and prayers. SCM Cuba mobilised and supported the

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