T-Kit 12: Youth transforming conflict


T-Kit 12: Youth transforming conflict. The thematic field represented by the intersection between conflict, youth and educational practice is an obvious choice considering these criteria. Many youth organisations and youth work services work actively and focus on dealing with conflicts of different kinds. Nevertheless, these often lack resources, relevant information and methods for their daily

Intercultural learning in non-formal education


Intercultural learning in non-formal education. Intercultural learning has long held a central role in European youth work and policy, especially in international youth exchanges. The expectations placed on intercultural learning as a process, as an educational and social objective and, lastly, as a political attitude in relation to diversity remain fully relevant in Europe today. 

T-Kit 4: Intercultural Learning


T-Kit 4: Intercultural Learning. The result is a revised T-Kit intended as an educational material for youth workers, educators and trainers to understand what intercultural learning is and how to best consider it and enhance it when planning, running and evaluating activities with young people. The ultimate aim of these educational processes is to enable

Step-by-step together. Support, Tips, Examples and Possibilities for youth work with young refugees


Step-by-step together. Support, Tips, Examples and Possibilities for youth work with young refugees.This publication offers practical tools for youth work on the inclusion and participation of young refugees at local level. It focuses on youth participation and inclusion as key dimensions to build inclusive societies and, at the same time, to create an enabling environment

Tool Kit- Training Essentials


T-Kit 6: Training Essentials. This T-Kit addresses itself to trainers working within a European framework. It proceeds by assuming that they will be working with a multicultural group and team, in an activity that demands careful planning and input from them, and in training situations which pose a range of personal and professional questions. While

Manual for facilitators in non-formal education


Manual for facilitators in non-formal education. The manual provides essential information and practical tips for all who are involved in planning and delivering non-formal education intercultural activities on an occasional basis. This manual is part of the endeavour of the Council of Europe’s youth sector to support and develop the quality of non-formal education activities

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