By-laws – WSCF Constitution & By-Laws (updated at the 36th General Assembly)


By-laws – WSCF Constitution & By-Laws (updated at the 36th General Assembly). This document contains the Constitution and By-Laws of WSCF as a global federation. It covers the core principles and aims of the Federation, as well as policies about the membership of the Federation, its management and governing structures. 4. WSCF Constitution and By-Laws

By-laws – WSCF-Europe By-Laws (updated at the 2019 European Regional Assembly)


By-laws – WSCF-Europe By-Laws (updated at the 2019 European Regional Assembly). This document contains the By-Laws of WSCF-Europe, as a region of the WSCF global federation. It covers the core principles and aims of the Europe region, as well as policies about the membership of the organisation, its management and governing structures. 2. WSCF-Europe By-Laws

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