Universal Day of Prayer for Students 2007


10. Universal Day of Prayer for Students 2007. The 2007 materials and liturgy for the Universal Day of Prayer for Student celebration were prepared by the Europe region of WSCF. They captured the theme of migration, in all its forms. The materials highlighted that migration can be voluntary or driven by external factors, such as war, social

Communique – Intersection of the Rights of Rohingya, Mexican Migrants and Adivasi People discussed by students at the WSCF Dhaka Program


Communique - Intersection of the Rights of Rohingya, Mexican Migrants and Adivasi People discussed by students at the WSCF Dhaka Program. The WSCF Program on Refugees and Migrants Rights, organised in December 2016, in Dhaka, Bangladesh, was an opportunity to reflect on the status of various groups of people who are stateless or fleeing violence,

Appeal – Solidarity with the Afflicted Rohingya people


Appeal - Solidarity with the Afflicted Rohingya people. When the situation of Rohingya people in Myanmar started escalating, in 2017, WSCF Asia-Pacific and SCM Bangladesh released a joint appeal, condemning the violence and calling for SCMs, churches and ecumenical organisations to respond to the crisis by offering humanitarian support to the thousands of refugees trapped

Appeal – WSCF Denounces the Separation of Children from their Parents at US-Mexico border


Appeal - WSCF Denounces the Separation of Children from their Parents at US-Mexico border. In response to the US government’s ‘zero-tolerance’ policy towards immigration at the US-Mexico border, WSCF published a statement denouncing the separation of children from their parents at the border. The statement called for the human treatment for all peoples, arguing that

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