Past generations of leadership

WSCF-E has a long and rich history. Here you can find a list of the past generations of leadership who shaped WSCF-E and made it the lively, active and powerful federation it is now.

Until the late 1960s, the international staff of the WSCF were based in Geneva. A major structural change in 1972 decentralized the WSCF into six regions: Africa, Asia-Pacific, Europe, Latin America, Middle East and North America. The Geneva headquarters became the inter-regional office. Programmatic and decision-making work shifted to the regions, reflecting the new mood of self-determination in third-world countries and the search for contextualization in theology and politics. This is essentially the process that gave birth to WSCF-Europe, as known today.

In the 1960s and 1970s, WSCF movements, especially in North America and Europe, were closely involved with the radical political movements. Their political solidarity and their critique of education convinced them that their mission field was no longer in educational institutions only, but on the streets and in the villages. The theme of the WSCF in the 1970s – Christian Witness in the Struggle for Liberation – sums up the broadened, renewed political commitment of the WSCF at the same time it moved to a regional structure.

Mozaik Editorial: Daniel Jara (Editor-in-Chief 2019-2024), James Jackson (2014-2019), Pawel Pustelnik (Editor-in-Chief 2011-2014), Peter Šajda (Editor-in-Chief 2005-2006), Szabolcs Nagypál (Editor-in-Chief 2000–2004), Woodcock (Publications Coordinator & Mozaik Editor 1997-1999), Annamarieke Tazelaar (Publications Coordinator 1995-1997), Torsten Moritz (Publications Coordinator & Mozaik Editor 1993-1995), Ingrid Voll (Publications Coordinator 1993-1995), Marjan Hanrath (Publications Coordinator around 1993-1995), Michael Feakes (Publications Coordinator & Founder of Mozaik 1991-1993).

Office: Sarah Eulitz (Office Intern Feb 2020), Francesca Vincenzi (Office intern, March 2018), Melany Bresciani (Office Assistant 2015-2018), Kathryn Cammish (Office Intern Feb 2014 – Jun 2015) , Miro Pastorek (Office Intern 2013 – Feb 2014), Jill Piebiak (Communications- and Office Intern 2010-2013), Rachael Tayanovskaya (pr. Weber) (Office Admin 2007-2010), Rebecca Blocksome (CESR Coordinator / Office Admin/ Publications Intern 2005-2007), Kinga Aszalós (Hungarian Assistant in WSCF-Europe office, x-2011), Nadzeja Cherkas (Office Intern & Links Coordinator 2003-2005), Jennifer Mueller (Office Admin / Publications intern) 2001-2003), Jan Jaap van Oosterzee (Office Admin & Publications Intern 1993-1995), Corrie van der Ven (Office Admin & Publications Intern 1991-Aug 1999).

Lingua Franca: Rachael Tayanovskaya (pr. Weber) (Lingua Franca Coordinator 2009-2011), Georgiana Mihalache (Local LF Coordinator 2001-2009), Zsuzsa Rihay (Local LF Coordinator 2001-2005)

Southern Project Coordinator: Luciano Kovacs (Southern Project Coordinator 1997-1999)