Levels of Membership

There are different levels of membership for our Student Christian Movements. Is your organization thriving, full of students interested in ecumenism and social justice? Then you might fit in our Federation perfectly!
Please contact the WSCF-Europe Chairperson for more information and for help with the process. The process begins with first becoming a contact movement, then moving to become an associated movement and finally reaching affiliation.
Contact Movements
A Contact Movement is recognized to share the values of WSCF. The Movement members and leaders are willing to cooperate with WSCF in their work or aspire to become a member movement. Contact movements keep in touch regularly with WSCF-Europe and send students to our events.
Associated Movements
An Associated Movement participates fully in the regional and international activity of WSCF, but does not meet the requirements for affiliation or does not want to become an affiliated movement.
Associated Member Movements can send up to two delegates to the European Regional Assembly, with the right to speak, present recommendations and provide candidates for election to the ERC. However, only one delegate has the right to vote on the Associated Movement’s behalf.

Affiliated Movements
An Affiliated Movement can take part fully in the regional and global work of WSCF.
Affiliated Member Movements can send up to two delegates to the Regional Assembly with the right to vote, speak, present recommendations and provide candidates for election to the European Regional Committee (ERC).
Affiliated Movements:
• Affirm the aims of WSCF;
• Have more than one branch. At least one of its branches should be, where possible, based in an institution of higher education.
• Welcome members from all the main Christian denominations in their country, or are actively involved in ecumenical dialogue at a local or national level;
• Organise workshops, conferences and/or campaigns for Christian students;
• Are willing to communicate and share ideas with WSCF and other national SCMs, and to take part in the activities of WSCF;
• Are willing to take part in the structures of WSCF, including sending delegates to the European Regional Assembly, nominating members for the European Regional Committee, and sending delegates to the WSCF General Assembly;
• Fund members to take part in WSCF activities, or are willing to help members raise funds to take part in WSCF activities.